Members: Please submit your news through this link to be included in the monthly Chamber enewsletter. Information posted in the enewsletter is also posted by volunteers on the Chamber's Social Media Pages: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Add Your News

Sep 08 2015

Join us for an "End of Summer" networking event on 9/9/15 from 5 to 7 pm on the Hilton Garden Inn patio, Bushnell's Basin. Chamber members are free, non members and walk-ins $10. Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar.

Aug 01 2015

Prior to April 21, Google announced that date as a game changer for website search results. That was the date when Google started evaluating whether websites were mobile friendly, excluding tablets, and ranked them in mobile search results accordingly.

Jul 01 2015

The Fairport Perinton and Brighton Chambers of Commerce invite you to attend a joint networking event on Wednesday July 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Pomodoro's, 3400 Monroe Ave, Pittsford. Chamber members are free (will send you special code), $15 for non-members

Jun 01 2015

Would you like to participate in the Fairport July 4th parade? We are looking for organizations, bands and businesses that would like to march with us.

May 15 2015

May has been full of activity with lots of fundraisers and news from our members!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature it

Apr 12 2015

April is full of activity with lots of fundraisers and news from our members!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature it in our next newsletter!

  • Bowl-a-Ride Fundraiser (4/11/15)
  • Victoria Infantino joins Summit Credit Union
  • Healthy Living Series
  • Small Business Success Conference
  • FACET's Community Spelling Bee a S-U-C-C-E-SS!
Mar 12 2015

March has been an exciting month for our members!  Several have had anniversaries!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature

Feb 01 2015

February was another busy month for the Chamber and our members!  In this months newsletter you'll read about...

  • State of the Town Village and Chamber
  • Kellie Wright New Chamber Board Member
  • Upcoming Events
  • and more!
Jan 05 2015

Chamber Celebrated Holidays at Woodcliff Hotel

Chamber members celebrated the holiday season at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa.  Everyone enjoyed  delicious appetizers made fresh by Horizon's Restaurant.   The Fairport Perinton Chamber had another great year.   Thank you for your support.  Looking forward to 2015!

Coffee Hour:  1/6/15  8:00 to 9:00 am

Drop in and discuss what is going on at your business ...... and what the Chamber can do for you.  Coffee is ready.  We would love to have your input!   No registration.  Free.  Meet at Towpath Cafe, 6 North Main St.  Fairport Village.  Mayor Fritz May and Supervisor Mike Barker will be present at 8:45 for a ribbon-cutting.  This is to celebrate the completed renovations at Towpath Cafe.

Dec 03 2014

With the winter and Holiday season finally here, we'd like to express our appreciation to all of our members!  December will be a busy month with our Member Coffee Hour, Holiday Party, and planning for State of the Town 2015.  In this issue of our newsletter, we recogize our December Business of

Nov 05 2014

November looks like another exciting month for the Chamber!  This month we recap the results of the Local Business Expo, Recognize our October Business of the Month, FACET of Fairport,  and look forward to many new events.  Watch out for our newest event, Member Coffee Hour.  It's a relaxed yet professional environment where Chamber Members can meet our board and network with other Members.  As always, thanks for your continued support of the Chamber and the Fairport Perinton Community!

Oct 29 2014

October was another great month for the Chamber.  Featured in this edition of the newsletter are articles on networking events held by members, the September Business of the Month, and information on our new Treasurer, Leeh Hardy.

Aug 18 2014

The Chamber continues to grow with new members and more support from our community.  We can't thank you all enough for your contributions!   Please enjoy our August 2014 newsletter.  If you'd like one of your events or news articles featured in our next edition, please contac

Jun 17 2014

The Chamber has entered it's busiest season of the year! It's time for our signature event, the Fourth of July Parade, 5 Mile Firecracker Race, and Party in the Park, all on the actual day, July 4.
Many do not realize that The Chamber is the traditional host of this event.

May 10 2014

Here is the April/May 2014 Newsletter. Make sure to check out the SCORE workshops on page 2 as well as the 4th of July information.  We hope you are all enjoying the warm weather!

Mar 09 2014

As the first quarter of 2014 winds down, the Chamber has welcomed many new members since the start of the New Year. We are very grateful for their involvement and talents which promote future devel-opment.

Jan 01 2014

The Chamber has completely rebranded itself, refined our mission and has found our place in the community in the last year. The changes we have made have been well received and the need for an active Chamber is evident. Our events are well attended. We have gained a record number of new members.

Dec 06 2013

As the year 2013 winds down, the Chamber reflects on another successful year of growth! We have gained many new members, our events are consistently well attended, and we have an active and responsive Board.

Oct 01 2013

This is FPCC's newsletter for October 2013. Enclosed is the president's message as well as articles on networking and some of the Chamber's newest members.
