Members: Please submit your news through this link to be included in the monthly Chamber enewsletter. Information posted in the enewsletter is also posted by volunteers on the Chamber's Social Media Pages: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

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Aug 01 2015

Prior to April 21, Google announced that date as a game changer for website search results. That was the date when Google started evaluating whether websites were mobile friendly, excluding tablets, and ranked them in mobile search results accordingly.

Jul 16 2015

Greetings from the Advent House!  As many Fairport & Perinton residents know, we are a non-profit two bed home for the terminally ill providing hospice-like care for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the dying in a loving homelike setting.  Staff and volunteers, in conjunction wi

Jul 01 2015

The Fairport Perinton and Brighton Chambers of Commerce invite you to attend a joint networking event on Wednesday July 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Pomodoro's, 3400 Monroe Ave, Pittsford. Chamber members are free (will send you special code), $15 for non-members

Jun 11 2015

The Chamber's participation in the Lyons National Bank groundbreaking was covered in the June 5 Genesee Valley Penny Saver.  We're looking forward to the new branch being open soon!  Thanks

Jun 01 2015

Would you like to participate in the Fairport July 4th parade? We are looking for organizations, bands and businesses that would like to march with us.

May 25 2015

The Chamber received some more media exposure in May!  The Fairport-East Rochester Post wrote an article about Lyons National Bank's ground breaking event.  LNB is in the middle of constructing a new branch location located on 31F near Jefferson Rd.  Several Chamber directors participated in this event in support of James Bilotta, future branch manager.

May 21 2015

Chatham Housing & Development ( announced today that Ashley Hoffmeier will intern this Summer at Chatham to initiate, grow and increase awareness of our mission of helping Veterans and families with affordable housing by implementing digital and social media marketing efforts. Ashley is a current student at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and will graduate this month with a Bachelor’s in Marketing.

May 15 2015

May has been full of activity with lots of fundraisers and news from our members!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature it

May 07 2015

THE CHAMBER was honored to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the new LYONS NATIONAL BANK Perinton Park Office on Fairport Road.

Branch Manager Jim Bilotta, a Fairport native, serves on our Board of Directors.

LNB is an institution strong in community service. The Chamber is excited to welcome this new branch, their first in Monroe County!

May 01 2015
The Chamber is pleased to announce that our events continue to get coverage in local newspapers and website.  We appreciate all of the support from our friends at the media and our members who make all of this possible!
Apr 12 2015

April is full of activity with lots of fundraisers and news from our members!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature it in our next newsletter!

  • Bowl-a-Ride Fundraiser (4/11/15)
  • Victoria Infantino joins Summit Credit Union
  • Healthy Living Series
  • Small Business Success Conference
  • FACET's Community Spelling Bee a S-U-C-C-E-SS!
Apr 09 2015

May 13, 2015 5:30-7:30pm. Monroe Golf Club, 155 Golf Avenue, Pittsford, NY 14534. As a successful small business owner, we hope you will join us in celebrating SCORE's 50th Anniversary at our premiere networking event. You will be able to participate in short business topic discussions and networking with other successful business onwers like yourself. SCORE volunteers will be available to provide you with additional information on our services, set up a future mentoring session or learn more about how we can help you succeed. No admission charge - cash bar

Mar 23 2015
The Chamber's February networking event at the Hilton Garden Inn has gotten some media coverage lately!  Also, the ribbon cutting at Joe's Brooklyn Pizza made the business section of the Fairport-ER post. We're always glad to see our members get the exposure they deserve! Be sure to check the papers for more updates and articles.
Mar 12 2015

FAIRPORT-PERINTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE welcomes JAMES BILOTTA of LYONS NATIONAL BANK to our Board of Directors. Jim has a long association with The Chamber and is a vital part of our business community.

Mar 12 2015

March has been an exciting month for our members!  Several have had anniversaries!  Read the full newsletter at the link below and be sure to submit your work anniversary or success story to so we can feature

Feb 12 2015

The Chamber has received a lot of media exposure over the last few months.  Many local news outlets have caught wind of our impact in the community and we are deeply appreciative of this.  Our "State of the Town" event was a big hit and was very well received within the community.  Our "Member Co

Feb 01 2015

February was another busy month for the Chamber and our members!  In this months newsletter you'll read about...

  • State of the Town Village and Chamber
  • Kellie Wright New Chamber Board Member
  • Upcoming Events
  • and more!
Jan 28 2015
Kellie Wright of Northwestern Mutual has been elected to the Board of the Fairport-Perinton Chamber of Commerce.
Kellie has been an active member of the chamber and brings a wealth of experience in customer service, marketing and business practices to the chamber.  
(photo: Paul West, Chamber President and Adam VanVolkenburg, Chamber VP,  Kellie Wright)
Jan 23 2015

FACET (Fairport-Area Community Education Trust) is hosting its first major fundraiser, the Community Spelling Bee, on Sunday, March 1, 2015   1:30-4:30 pm at Johanna Perrin Middle School, 85 Potter Place, Fairport.  This admission free, family-friendly event features three-member teams from area businesses, community organizations, neighborhood groups and educators competing in traditional spelling bee format, except team members verbally collaborate before revealing their spelling response. The event also includes a showcase of the best in Fairport education, refreshments for sale and a 50/50 raffle, all to benefit enhanced education opportunities for students in Fairport.

Jan 07 2015

Get on the bus – donate blood!
Presenting donors in the month of January will receive a $5 Dunkin' Donuts gift card (while supplies last).
Please contact Don Eaton at 734-2529 or to schedule an appointment.
Walk-ins are welcome. ID is required.
Eat a meal and drink plenty of hydrating fluids to prepare for your donation.
