Protect yourself from identity theft and prevent fraud by having documents containing your personal and private information securely shredded at this on-site document shredding event. Safe and secure paper shredding will be provided by Certified Document Destruction and sponsored by Fairport Savings Bank, Just Solutions, Inc, & the Fairport-Perinton Chamber of Commerce. We will also have Roc It Dogs selling hot dogs and hamburgers!
We recommend shredding personal documents such as anything that has information like your name, address, phone number, social security number, or bank account information, including ATM receipts, credit card receipts, bills, and even used airline tickets.
Join us Saturday, July 28, 10am-1pm at the Just Solutions office, 7300 Pittsford Palmyra Rd. (Rt. 31) in Fairport. For directions and more information, visit