Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Does your 2021 New Year’s resolution involve weight loss? How is that working for you?

When you type into the World Wide Web, ‘how to lose weight,’ the results will appear like an infinite number of methods. Overwhelmed? Join us on March 10 at 4pm when we will talk about breaking weight-loss myths to help you achieve your fitness goals.


About Fit Strength Performance
Fit Strength Performance is a member of the Fairport-Perinton Chamber. They help their clients become physically and mentally prepared to handle the demands of life and their chosen sports. One personal-success factor is realized through understanding the importance of the ‘why’ of your workout! Fit Strength Performance aims to educate, inform, and have fun, while helping clients achieve their personal fitness goals.

About Mark Bruce
Mark is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). He has also earned an ACE Personal Training certification. To his Fit Strength Performance business, he brings over a decade of experience working with adults and athletes in developing strength, increasing performance, and reaching weight loss goals. Mark also adds a polished training and consultative approach to his profession, developed through his undergraduate degree in Psychology and Education, and his Masters degree in Counseling.

Breaking Weight Loss Myths 
Presented by: Fit Strength Performance Founder Mark Bruce
March 10, 2021
Zoom (immediately after you register, you will receive the Zoom link)
no fee