
Penfield Perinton Kiwanis Club

PPK is a local chapter of Kiwanis International, a Non-Profit Organization. You may know of our programs such as K-Kids, Key Club and Circle K.

Our mission is to serve the children of the world. As a global organization of volunteer members, we are dedicated to changing the narrative of our world today by empowering children and youth, and help them experience a better world. We meet regularly to socialize, but more importantly, to conduct business such as identifying volunteering opportunities or planning fundraising events. Through these efforts, the Penfield-Perinton chapter has donated to local food banks, children's hospitals and other non-profit organizations that help children.

We are always looking for new members and guest speakers. Don't hesitate to reach out if you would like to attend a meeting, learn more about us and/or speak at our meeting. We would love to hear from you and find out ways we are able to help support you and the children you serve!

Primary Contact: 
Angela David
Primary Contact's Position: 
President Elect

PO Box 25441, Rochester, NY, 14625