Business of the Month
Fairport has a Bed & Breakfast (B&B) Inn located on West Church Street in the Village. It is called The Inn on Church and has earned Business of the Month recognition from the Fairport-Perinton Chamber of Commerce.
Positioned close to the south entrance of the Fairport Village’s business district, The Inn on Church is the result of a creative synergy, spun from friendship. Co-owners Pam Renfro and Angela Herrald were looking into the future, past retirement and kids-at-home, and agreed that they were both creative and wanted to have a good fit for their skills in their future life’s roles. Angela saw a sale sign go up at 11 West Church Street and immediately went to inform Pam. Shortly thereafter in 2015, they were purchasing the house and remodeling the interior. Angela has an eye for design and she creatively decorated the entire home, piece by piece. Pam is the marketing and account manager, plus Inn Keeper.
Pam and Angela value local businesses working together for our community’s common good, so quickly they sought out membership in the Fairport-Perinton Chamber. Early on in their membership, the Inn on Church hosted a Chamber After Hours, which included a tour of the house’s history, dual kitchens, comfortable guest rooms and backyard barn. Pam and Angela have remained active, participating in the Chamber networking events to get to know local business leaders and decision makers, as well as serve as role models, sharing their own expertise.
People stay at the Inn on Church from all over the world. They have had guests from Italy, China, and England. Co-Owner Pam Renfro pointed out, “When language becomes a challenge, I turn to Google Translate and the guests will give me a thumbs up to let me know I have successfully communicated.” Cyclists have been another memorable group to stay at the Inn, as well.
Chamber Board of Director Kellie Wright and Co-Owner of Raise the Bar Designs recalled a couple of success factors which the two entrepreneurs shared with her - - “Village, Lyft and Uber. The guests rave about their Fairport Village experiences and the new Lyft and Uber operators in Fairport have been highly engaged resources.”
Co-Owner Herrald stated, “Our business affiliations go beyond the Fairport-Perinton Chamber. We are also active members of the New York State Parks and Trail, Go Bike Erie, Visit Rochester, and the Fairport Perinton Merchants Association.”
What’s next? Renfro added, “In addition to serving guests and staying active within our local business community, we will be turning the Barn into an event space which will accommodate 45 guests.”